Paid Social, Reputation Management, and Organic Social Media
Homer Skelton Ford: 38 Extra Sales in One Month
Homer Skelton Ford has become one of the largest dealerships in the Southeast by working to consistently improve how they sell and service their customers. They are quickly becoming known for how they are revolutionizing the way cars are serviced and sold today.
Like many dealers Homer Skelton Ford noticed that more and more customers were using social to start their shopping experience. However, unlike many dealers who fail to take advantage of this new opportunity, Homer Skelton Ford not only noticed the trend, but they also rose to the challenge and are now leading the way to success by establishing their own social strategy. “Our goal is to make it quicker, easier, and less expensive for customers to get their next vehicle.
We feel that by putting the customer’s needs first, saving them time and giving them what they want, we sell more cars, increase gross and boost customer satisfaction. And you know what, “it’s working” said Brian Chapman, General Manager at Homer Skelton Ford. In the months since building their social strategy, Homer Skelton Ford has been able to increase social sales volume to 38 extra sales last month. Customers who in the past may have used other shopping medias, like Google Ad Words, now spend hours every day on social media and we can direct them to our site or create leads right on Facebook that go to our CRM. Aubrey Waisner, the Internet Director at Homer Skelton Ford says “Customers love it because they can see any car they want on social media.” They can learn more about the vehicle or talk to one of our specialists.
They can also book a service appointment online at their convenience.” As a result, our Facebook page has become one of the most successful social Ford pages in the world. How did they do it? Brian attributes their success to the following: Dealer and management support, a great social strategy, the right marketing, tight processes, and a great team. “We also leverage trend reports to establish new goals for each month and every quarter.
We signed with Build-A-Brand to make sure that we can give our sales team the tools to excel with their own personal brand site that includes social. Aubrey says, “Low attrition rates are attributed to our staff knowing that we are here for them no matter what the need. If your sales staff is not firing on all 8 cylinders all the time, you will not get the performance you are looking for. A lot of our success has come from their month in and month out dedication to helping perfect our process.
A big thanks to them!” To provide more insight into what it means to give your sales team what they need to succeed, Brian provides a summary of what it takes to be among the best in the nation.
- The Right Vision: Our vision is to give our customers more than they want and to create a “Wow” experience. Since more than 80% of our consumers use social media, we wanted to create the best online experience possible before they even set foot in our dealership.
- The Right Strategy: We focus on how customers buy rather than how we like to sell. Customers are shopping online so we have shifted our advertising strategy to ensure we have a market presence where the customers are, which are on social media.
- The Right Marketing: We worked with SOCIALDEALER to implement our marketing strategy that has ensured we showed up in all the social channels and in all the right places online in our region. In addition, we conduct ongoing social campaigns that educate customers on our value-added services.
- The Right Attitude: At Homer Skelton Ford, the goal is to create a lasting personal relationship with our customers, and we do this by maintaining a focus on what is important to them. By building these relationships with our customers they know who to ask for when they get to the dealership. These relationships have created a terrific repeat and referral customer database.
- The Right People: We promise a world class experience to our online customers. The only way to deliver this is to staff the department with the right people; otherwise, it’s just lip service. Our people are able to provide our customers with all of their options and help them feel more comfortable in the make a purchase decision.
- The Right Process: We improve our sales when we improve the buying experience for our customers. Some customers don’t buy for 1-4 months and today, SOCIALDEALER retargets all CRM and website customers keep Homer Skelton Ford in front of them.
The Bottom Line
- Homer Skelton Ford created a new Social Strategy to make shopping easier for their customers and to become one of the top Ford Dealers.
- Homer Skelton ford sold 38 extra cars in one month from their Social Strategy.
- Customers love this new way to shop for cars and Homer Skelton is delivering on their mission to better serve the customer.
- Homer Skelton Ford uses SOCIALDEALER to provide them with Paid Social, Organic Social and Reputation Management.
- Homer Skelton Ford uses Build-a-Brand so their Sales team can excel through their own personal Branding.